The story of our Brand Marque


We love stories; storytelling is such a powerful, compelling and memorable way to excite, retain and share information.

We hope the story of our brand marque gives an insight into how we approach, think and create inspirational Brand and Marketing solutions. The most memorable stories work on multiple levels, contain hidden meanings and elements of surprise.

So when we considered our name and brand marque, we wanted something more than just visual appeal (although we hope it delivers on that front too). We wanted something to talk about that encompasses what we do, and provides some intrigue, in a way that may not be immediately obvious.

Let’s start with the colours; the warm magenta red is widely understood to engender creative action and passion, whilst the blue, more calm and considered, represents the rational and commercial. The colour combination represents two sides of the brain and is borrowed from 3D anaglyph images, illustrating the transformation of an idea from the page and developing it into a real world, multi-dimensional brand palette.

When animated, you can see the course of the dots is not in a straight line. Creativity is rarely a straightforward path from A to B - that would be too obvious. Outstanding creativity is about looking beyond, experimenting at every juncture, and taking a different and braver pathway to the best solution.

Hidden in plain sight, the dots themselves are the numerals 8 and 6 in braille, a language that creates meaning through touch, in much the same way as we now use user interface touchpoints in the digital world to control virtual environments.

Our brand embodies our belief that ideas and marketing can and should be multi-dimensional and captivate in every sense.

Are you ready for a meeting of minds? Get in touch today…

Stuart Hills